What is Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Wisdom tooth extraction, which is a surgical procedure, is the name given to the extraction of the third molars located at the back of the mouth. There are wisdom teeth in both the upper and lower jaws. These teeth, which are 4 in total, are very important as they are the last permanent teeth in the mouth. In this respect, due importance should be given to wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth, which erupt in the early twenties, have a sensitive structure. It usually occurs between the ages of 17 and 25. However, some people never have wisdom teeth. If the wisdom teeth are arranged regularly in the mouth, there will be no problem. Besides, you may find that wisdom teeth are often misaligned. Wisdom tooth extraction takes place when there is no more room in your mouth to accommodate them. In order to prevent them from causing infection, the extraction process should occur early.

If you want to learn more about wisdom tooth extraction, you can contact us at any time.

How Is Wisdom Tooth Extraction Performed?

Extraction of the wisdom tooth is often mandatory. It is frequently used especially in cases where the teeth cannot come out in a healthy way. Wisdom teeth are extracted in order to maintain oral hygiene in healthy wisdom teeth. Criteria such as how much the tooth has come out or in which part of the jaw it is located cause different types of operations to be preferred.

The extracting process can be described in general as follows:

  • The general structure of the teeth and jaw is carefully examined.
  • X-rays are also often preferred in the first stage.
  • Performing the extraction in a sterile environment minimizes the risk of infection.
  • The duration of the operation varies between half an hour and two hours.

Before tooth extraction, if a large part of the tooth has come out, the area to be extracted is anesthetized using local anesthesia. Tooth extraction is performed using pliers called Davye. At this point, suturing depends on the preference of the physician.

Before tooth extraction, if the entire tooth is impacted, serious surgery is required. The technical details of the surgery vary depending on the general condition of the tooth. It is quite normal to experience mild pain and swelling after the operation.

Considerations After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Not every wisdom tooth can be surgically removed. Wisdom tooth extraction can also be done in the form of normal tooth extraction. After the wisdom tooth extraction, you should pay special attention to the following points:

  • The tampons used during the procedure should not be thrown away and you should not use another tampon instead.
  • Bleeding after extraction is quite normal. It lasts between 6 and 24 hours. During the first 24 hours, you should never rinse your mouth.
  • If the bleeding lasts longer than 48 hours, you should definitely seek help from a specialist doctor.
  • Until the drowsiness passes, you should not eat. The drowsiness goes away on its own after approximately 2 hours.
  • You should stay away from hot foods and beverages for the first 24 hours. You should definitely not take a hot shower. At the same time, you should eat warm and soft foods.
  • You should avoid smoking and alcohol until 72 hours after the surgery.
  • You can start cleaning the mouth24 hours after the procedure.

Pain after Wisdom Tooth Extraction

It is quite normal to experience pain, usually within 10 days after wisdom tooth extraction. You can prevent such situations with painkillers that you take under the control of a doctor.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Fee

When determining the extraction fee, the structure of the tooth and the applications are taken into account. We make a price accordingly. If you want to get more information about the wisdom tooth extraction fee and get an idea about the fees, you can contact us at any time.

Normal wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom teeth are also called 20-year-old teeth. Wisdom teeth, which are the last adult teeth to erupt, are located at the back of the jaw. Due to their inability to adapt to the jaw structure, it causes pain or abscess formation in most people. Experiencing these ailments causes your daily quality of life to decrease significantly. For this reason, most wisdom teeth need to be surgically removed while they are newly erupted.

The main source of problems is that there is not enough space in the jaw for wisdom teeth. In addition to severe pain, it can also cause deformities in the jaw part. After wisdom teeth begin to erupt, treatment should be done under the control of dentists. In this way, you can return to daily life in a shorter time. In some cases, the exit angles of the wisdom teeth are wrong. Pain in this situation signals that something is wrong. These teeth are also called impacted wisdom teeth. In order not to adversely affect the jaw and tooth structure, the care and control of wisdom teeth should not be neglected. Regular inspection will allow you to take early action in case of any mishap.

Why Is There Inflammation After Tooth Extraction?

After tooth extraction, a gap occurs in the area where the wisdom tooth is located. This cavity fills with blood during tooth extraction and coagulation occurs. If inflammation occurs in the blood clot that settles in the cavity, it becomes inevitable for the area to become infected. As a result, the site of the extracted tooth becomes inflamed. To summarize, the blood clot formed after tooth extraction should be preserved.

What Causes Bleeding After Tooth Extraction?

After tooth extraction, the area where the tooth was taken remains empty. Blood clots form in this area. Considering that this is a normal process, you should act in accordance with what your doctor says. Absence of bleeding after tooth extraction is more dangerous than bleeding. From this point of view, you should not be afraid when bleeding occurs.

Is It Possible To Smoke After Tooth Extraction?

You should not smoke for 24 hours after tooth extraction. Smoking causes inflammation on the wound formed in the tooth extraction area. Inflamed wound causes other oral health problems. Although it is preferable not to consume it for 72 hours, you should prefer as little as possible when you want to consume it. By avoiding nicotine, you will experience a faster recovery process.

Can You Eat After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

After extraction, you should also pay attention to your eating and drinking patterns. You should pay special attention to what you consume between the first 24 and 48 hours. After wisdom tooth extraction, you can choose soft foods such as pudding or yogurt. It is recommended that you do not consume hot foods during this period. You can chew food on your non-surgical side. You can also add solid foods to your diet after your teeth begin to heal.

Suspicion of Inflammation after Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

It is quite normal to experience swelling or bleeding after tooth extraction. However, you should definitely consult your doctor in case of severe pain and bleeding that does not go away. Unhealed wounds become inflamed over time. In order to prevent this situation, people should take precautions beforehand.

What to Eat After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

After tooth extraction, soft foods should be consumed as much as possible. You should stay away from foods that require chewing, such as bread or meat. In this way, you can make the healing process of your tooth faster. After wisdom tooth extraction, you may need to change your eating habits for a while.

How Many Days Does Swelling Last After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

After the operation, the swelling should disappear after about 10 days. You should get help from your doctor for swelling that does not go away.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Prices 2022

Tooth extraction prices vary according to the extracted tooth and the operation performed. You can contact us for the most accurate information about wisdom tooth extraction prices.