Butts are considered the most attractive body part of ​​women. A round, not proturiding
and full butt is a desire of many women. Butts have a very important role women who
want to have an attractive and ideal body.
Butt implant operation is one of the methods to be used to obtain the desired butt
profile. Your doctor may recommend implants of different sizes and shapes
depending on the result you want to achieve.

Butt implant operation is recommended for people who do not have enough fat in
their body to make butt fat injection.
Butt implant surgery is a procedure performed under general anesthesia. You can
choose these implants made of adhesive silicone in desired sizes to obtain the butt
structure suitable for your body.
A firm pressure should not be applied to the butt area for 3-4 weeks after butt
aesthetic surgery. You should wear a special corset for 6 weeks after butt surgery.
You will need to stay away from sports for 2 months after surgery.

Who can have a butt implant surgery?

● Those who have a flat and plain butt
● Those who want to have an attractive butt
● Those who want customized results
● Those who have deformed butt structures due to pregnancy
● Those who have deformed butt structures due to weight gain
● Those who have not enough body fat for butt fat injection

What should be considered before surgery
Smoking should be stopped if smoking 1 week before surgery because smoking
disrupts tissue nutrition. Blood thinners such as aspirin and painkillers must be
discontinued one week in advance. Herbal tea and herbal remedies must have been
discontinued a week earlier. One month before the operation, patients with diabetes
or blood pressure should be treated with appropriate medication.

Will anesthesia be performed?
Yes surgery is performed under general anesthesia.

How long does the surgery take?
It takes approximately 2 hours depending on the patients condition.

Will I stay in the hospital?
You need to stay in the hospital for one night

When can I take a shower?
You can take a shower 2 days after the operation.

When do I get back to work?
You can return to your work life 7 days after the operation.

When can I do sports?
You can start doing sports 6 weeks after the operation.

How durable are silicones?
Although all factors such as aging and lifestyle have an effect, implants are durable
for up to ten years.